

Top 5 Expertly Reviewed Collagen Peptides of 2024

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We tried and tested over 40+ collagen peptide supplements to research which were the best. Read our review to see which one won

  • Researched & Posted by
    Simon White*

  • Last updated on

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As soon as we reach the age of 20, our bodies start producing less collagen which is the primary reason why the years tick away we slowly start to see the signs of aging. This is particularly noticiable in ladies entering the menopause phase. Menopause has a significant impact on collagen levels in the body, primarily due to the decline in estrogen levels. Estrogen is crucial for maintaining collagen production, and as its levels drop during menopause

There are several household brands, some back by celebrity influencers use expensive PR and marketing to sell their products however if you open up the hood and look at whats underneath do the products match up to the claims they are making?

That’s why we’re here. We researched the top selling collagen supplements on the internet and made purchases to test some of 2024’s most talked about collagen products. We combed through the scientific research and interviewed beauty specialists and collagen experts*

Some of the supplmements we were informed could even make your hair, skin and nails worse which is why you need to keep reading to make sure you get the scoop on what we discovered.

Benefits of a High Quality Collagen Supplement

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    Improves Skin Health

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    Supports Joint Health

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    Strengthens Hair and Nails

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    Enhances Bone Health

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    Boosts Gut Health

Collagen has a long wealth of benfits but the main benefit is how it improves skin health with improved elasticity and firmness, added hydration and the end result being reduced wrinkles and fine lines

It also improves hair and nail health leading to stronger thicker hair and less brittle nails and our top researched brands are rife with reviews from ladies showing off their nails after supplementing with marine collagen.

Collagen also leads to better joint and bone health and it can help with joint pain, inflamation and improve mobility and discomfort. It improves bone density which is beneficial for overall skeletal health

Collagen FAQ

How Long Does Collagen Take to Work?

Collagen supplements for skin improvement (hydration, elasticity, and reduction of wrinkles) typically show results in about 4 to 8 weeks. Some studies suggest noticeable improvements can occur in as little as 4 weeks, with more significant changes observed around the 8 to 12-week mark.

Which Type of Collagen Should I Take?

Physiological Benefit : If you are looking to improve hair, skin and nails, Type I is the most effective.

Bioavailability: Marine collagen which is classed as Type I collagen is often touted as having higher bioavailability compared to bovine collagen and is much more sustainable and friendlier for the environment than Bovine. Look for a brand that sources its fish from wild caught stock.

What Dose of Collagen is Effective?

Clinical studies indicate around 4000mg - 6000mg per day is usually more than enough. You will get brands offering 10,000mg or more per day but its not necessary to see results and you will often end up paying more.

Why Collagen Alone is Not Enough

As legitimate as Marine Collagen is providing beauty benefits towards your hair, skin and nails for it to be truly effective marine collagen MUST be ingested with specific ingredients to be effective.

Studies have shown that around 100mg of Vitamin C or more improves the bioavailability of marine collagen by increasing the absorption and utilization of collagen peptides in the body.

Copper and Zinc have also been found to enhance the bioavailability of marine collagen by increasing the production of collagen and elastin in the skin

Hyaluronic Acid A component of marine collagen, has been found to improve the bioavailability of collagen by increasing hydration and elasticity in the skin

Buy from Brands that use Peptan® F2000 HD


Peptan® F2000 HD Marine Collagen


Peptan F 2000HD® uses cutting-edge extraction methods to maintain one of the most potent collagen sources on the planet. They're backed by numerous blind studies and their findings suggest clinically effective doses start at 4000mg.

NOTE: Not available directly. You need to find a brand that uses this collagen in their formula.




Peptan F 2000HD® is produced from 100% wild-caught fish, with options from fisheries that are certified sustainable to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). Peptan is compliant with the strictest European Union food regulations and Non-GMO (produced without genetic engineering). It's also 100% free of antibiotics, hormones, preservatives making this one of the most sustainable sources of collagen we have found.

What To Avoid:

Tablets and Capsules

Tablets and capsules do not contain enough collagen to provide a minimal clinical dose of 4000mg per day. Only a powder or liquid can provide this. Also only 40% of a tablet or capsule is usually absorbed compared to powders and liquids which have 80% absorbtion

Bovine Collagen

Bovine collagen derived from cattle, requires large amounts of land, which can lead to deforestation and habitat destruction. This process disrupts ecosystems and contributes to biodiversity loss.Cattle farming is a significant source of greenhouse gases, particularly methane, which is a potent contributor to climate change.

Relying on Amazon reviews

60% of reviews are written by folks paid to leave positive feedback. Risking your health with reviews that are false is too dangerous a game to play when choosing a supplement.

With these guidelines in mind, we scoured the market for the best of the best collagen supplements.

Top 5 Collagen Supplements

We tested 42 different supplements, and based on our 5 Pillars of Excellence: ingredient safety, projective effectiveness, value, return policy, and customer satisfaction, we narrowed them down to the top 5. Let's do this...


1. Glow Powder Collagen Drink®

by Rock & Roses





Total Ranking

  • Clinically studied Peptan F 2000HD®
  • Contains Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Zinc and Copper
  • Contains Marine not Bovine
  • GMP compliant
  • Non-GMO
  • 90-day return policy
  • Sold exclusively online
  • Occasionaly runs out of stock

The Bottom Line

We chose Glow Powder by Rock and Roses Supplements as our No.1 choice because it's the only collagen supplement that checks all the boxes in our list of criteria.

Glow Powder contains Peptan® F2000 HD, the gold standard in high-quality, high-potency collagen and delivers a 6000mg dose every day.

Each daily serving also contains 150mg of Vitamin C, 120mg of Hyaluronic Acid, 7mg Zinc and 0.2mg of Copper which no other brand offers in this combination making this one of the most bioavailable formulas on the market.

To top things off, Rock and Roses offers a generous, 90-day money -back guarantee, no questions asked.

2. Absolute Collagen

by Maxine Laceby





Total Ranking

  • Made in the UK
  • Ready made liquid form
  • Contains 60g Vitamin C
  • Contains preservatives
  • Leaves a horrible and bitter taste
  • No nutritional table on website
  • Uses unecessary plastic for packaging

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The Bottom Line

Coming in at a close second is Absolute Collagen by Maxine Laceby. There is a lot to like about this product, including its potent, 8000mg dose of marine collagen. The product is free from lactose, gluten and dairy and contains no artificial flavours or added sugar.

Unfortunately, Absolute Collagen does not declare its collagen source and so it is not certain where their collagen is sourced from and you only have their word about its sustainbility

The product also has a lot of complaints about the taste of the product with many customers complaining about its bitter taste however they have a massive fan base of absoluters who swear by the product.

3. Gold Collagen Forte

by Minerva Research Labs





Total Ranking

  • Contains Marine not Bovine
  • Contains Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Zinc and Copper
  • Not made in the UK (Japan)
  • Uses unecessary glass for packaging
  • Poor value £53.99 for 10 day supply at 5000mg a day dose

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The Bottom Line

Coming in 3rd on the market is Gold Forte Collagen by Minerva Labs

Gold Collagen Forte delivers a 5000mg daily dose and includes quite few of the synergistic ingredients we like such as Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Zinc and Copper

However we do not like the fact that they sell this product in a 10 bottle pack at £53.99 and each dose only delivers 5000mg which presents poor value.

Their collagen source is also not declared on the website.

4. Collagen Hydro Pro+

by The Pretty Smart Food Co





Total Ranking

  • Easy-To-Swallow Capsules
  • Contains Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid
  • Collagen sourced from Wild Caught Fish
  • Tablet form poorer than liquids or Powders
  • Daily dose only 1000mg

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The Bottom Line

Nutraherbal's ashwagandha is both organically grown and free of gluten, soy, and GMOs. While it contains a potent dose of ashwagandha, unfortunately, it does not use a clinically studied version. Additionally, it lacks L-theanine.

On the plus side, it contains black pepper extract to better help with absorption. They don't use any binders and reviewers reported positive benefits after use, however their return policy is unspecified.

5. Marine Collagen Capsules

by Superself





Total Ranking

  • Low price
  • Positive customer reviews
  • Non-GMO
  • Third-party tested
  • Does not use clinically studied marine collagen
  • Lacks Ginseng
  • Only 60-day return policy

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The Bottom Line

Havasu Nutrition's rounds out our list with their collagen supplement. Reviewers raved about the low price and that it contains no preservatives, chemicals, or sugars.

However, this product does not use a clinically studied form of collagen and it also lacks L-theanine. They also boast a unique artichoke extract to help with both absorption and digestion.

Our Top Pick





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What You Will Learn:


Estimated Read Time
5 Minutes

  • Benefits Of Collagen Peptides
  • Ingredients Checklist
  • Top 5 Collagen Supplements

Our Top Pick





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